This is just a waste of space who ever made this is as smart as a chimp oh wait thats an insult to chimp they are way smarter then this game
This app is soo stupid that a 2 year old is smarter than it. If your gonna make a game make it fun and addicting not boring and lame. I didnt ask a question, I just kept pressing the jewel and it gave me random answers. Thats how you know that this app isnt true. Dont waste your time and space getting this app. They just want you to get it so that they can feel proud of themselves making an app that everyone likes. Well guess what NO ONE likes this app. So if your looking for an app thats fun and addicting, never I mean NEVER get this app.
When I asked personal questions it only said no and funny who would be stupid enough to use this app
This app is horrible I asked it questions and it doesnt even listen to the question it just says random answers
It just gives you random answers
This app is awful random answers creepy dude that I cant understand
I think this app is lame it said "the future is foggy "five times in a Row this app is a waste of space do NOT download this app I had it for less that a minute then I deleted it
This is so stupid I asked it a question and it didnt answer correctly a big piece of junk this is I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This games is so stupid and its a waste of space. Whoever created this games was STUPID!!!!
I dont know why you people hate it I asked a question in a three day weekend the next day we dont go to school I asked it are we going to school tommorow it said no Creepy, but cool
I love this app its so cool dont listen to the other negative comments this app is so fun and cool and totally addicting love it. Love heaven xoxo
This is a great app also to the other reviewers did you guys really expect this to be an actual magic mirror come on theres no such thing as magic grow up this is a great app it is very fun
As a little kid there was always that "Magic 8 ball." This is basically the same thing, but electronic! I recommend it to younger people. You understand that it isnt really "magic," but someone younger wouldnt. Keep in mind that this app is not for a mature audience.
You know its a little scary that the face when it shows up this is also fake! Worst app ever this is also for kids so thats really bad for it.
I just got it and I asked if i was cool and it answered "The future is soden" or something like that. Dont get it if you want to be sane. Its so foney. I hate it.DONT GET IT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD